These 3 Fruits May Improve Your Dogs Life
We absolutely adore our furry companions, rain, hail or shine - these beautiful animals are always there for us. They're always ready for the next adventure, or the next nap.
It's our responsibility to do right by them, which includes taking them for regular walks, lots of pats, cuddles, and most importantly - their diet. In this article, we're going to list 5 fruits your dog can eat, after all, who doesn't like sharing a refreshing healthy snack with their best friend.
What Fruits Can My Dog Eat?
1. Watermelon
On a hot summers day, there is nothing better than a crunchy, crisp, juicy watermelon! You might ask yourself, can my dog eat watermelon? Is watermelon good for dogs?
Yes and yes! Watermelons are perfectly fine for you dogs, although before you do, please remove all the seeds from the watermelon before serving to your dog.
The health benefits watermelon offers for your dog, watermelon is a rich source of Potassium, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and B6.
How much watermelon should I give my dog?
Like most treats, it's best they only make up 10% of your dogs diet to avoid illnesses like diabetes and obesity.
It's recommended you only serve a cup size of diced watermelon for large dogs. And for small dogs, a couple of pieces will be more than enough.
Important: Another reminder to remove the all seeds before serving watermelon to your dogs.
2. Blueberries
Blueberries are a great low-calorie tasty treat for your dog, it also contains antioxidants, fiber and vitamins C and K. These nutrients support the well-being of your dogs by supporting immune health and overall health.
As a recommendation, do not give anymore than 8-10 blueberries to dogs. I know it's hard because of the eyes they will give you.
3. Mango
Who doesn't love mangoes? I'm sure you have wondered, can dogs eat mango? The answer is yes they can!
This delicious fruit is full of vitamins and best of all it's safe for your dog, before serving please remove the pit and peel the mango, and like anything its recommended you should give your dog mangoes in moderation.
If you're looking for other treats, check out our range of delicious and natural Dog Treats.